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The Gist: Since we’re essentially dealing// ←不要な改行 // 不要な空白行 with a game show wrapped inside a reality // 以下同じ TV competition, that’s itself wrapped inside a thrilling drama, we’re gonna need a few minutes ofexposition, right? Right?
The Gist: Since we’re essentially dealing with a game show wrapped inside a reality TV competition, that’s itself wrapped inside a thrilling drama, we’re gonna need a few minutes of exposition, right? Right?
📁 new_line_replace.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <body> <h1>不要な改行取り除くよアプリ</h1> <textarea name="textarea" id="textarea" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea> <div style="display: flex;"> <button type="button" id="textarea_clear_button">クリア</button> <button type="button" id="output_area_copy_button">コピー</button> <div id="copyed_text" style="display: none;">Copyed!</div> </div> <div id="output_area"> <!-- insert_js --> </div> <script> const textarea = document.getElementById('textarea'); const textarea_clear_button = document.getElementById('textarea_clear_button'); const output_area = document.getElementById('output_area'); const output_area_copy_button = document.getElementById('output_area_copy_button'); const copyed_text = document.getElementById('copyed_text'); const event_actions = ['keyup', 'paste']; for (let i = 0;event_actions.length > i;++i) { textarea.addEventListener(event_actions[i], function (e) { let result = null; let str = ''; if (e.type.toLowerCase() === 'paste') { str = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); } else { str = e.target.value; } let regex = /[^\n]+\n?/g; let matches = str.match(regex); if (matches !== null && matches.length) { let array = []; for (let i = 0;matches.length > i;++i) { array.push(matches[i].replace(/\n$/, '')); } result = array.join(' '); output_area.innerHTML = result; } else { output_area.innerText = ''; } }); } textarea_clear_button.addEventListener('click', function () { textarea.value = ''; textarea.focus(); output_area.innerText = ''; copyed_text.style.display = 'none'; }); output_area_copy_button.addEventListener('click', function () { copyToClipboard(output_area.innerText); copyed_text.style.display = 'block'; }); // 以下はhttps://maku.blog/p/buk5i2o/で紹介されていたコードをコピペさせていただきました。 function copyToClipboard(text){ // テキストコピー用の一時要素を作成 const pre = document.createElement('pre'); // テキストを選択可能にしてテキストセット pre.style.webkitUserSelect = 'auto'; pre.style.userSelect = 'auto'; pre.textContent = text; // 要素を追加、選択してクリップボードにコピー document.body.appendChild(pre); document.getSelection().selectAllChildren(pre); const result = document.execCommand('copy'); // 要素を削除 document.body.removeChild(pre); return result; } </script> </body> </html>
let regex = /[^\n]+\n?/g; let matches = str.match(regex); if (matches !== null && matches.length) { let array = []; for (let i = 0;matches.length > i;++i) { array.push(matches[i].replace(/\n$/, '')); } result = array.join(' '); output_area.innerHTML = result; } else { output_area.innerText = ''; }
let regex = /[^\n]+\n?/g;
// ↓改行がなくて、終わりが改行 The Gist: Since we’re essentially dealing // 空白行については、頭に改行が一つだけなので、改行が含まれない一文字以上のテキストにマッチしない // ↓改行がなくて、終わりが改行 with a game show wrapped inside a reality // ↓改行がなくて、終わりが改行 TV competition, that’s itself wrapped inside // ↓改行がなくて、終わりが改行 a thrilling drama, we’re gonna need a few // ↓改行がなくて、終わりに改行がない minutes ofexposition, right? Right?